Please see descriptions below. Prices are suggested; offer what you are able. Your order is appreciated!


Destiny Deems

The Memoir: Life takes you on a journey…

$16 suggested

Destiny Timeline Journal ∞ Biography Journal

Everyone has a thread that runs through their life’s biography. This journal offers specific timeline prompts, guided journaling tips, and mood board suggestions to encourage you to find and express that thread.

$12 suggested

“I can appreciate it as a very great help for people to experience that their life path has cohesion and moments of freedom during which significant decisions for their destiny occurred.” v.c.s., educator

Mandala † Consciousness Journal

create your own ritual; intent

instructions/prompts/visuals in button envelope

—large blank journal for your images

$12 suggested

“I’ve been journaling since I was twelve—this is a unique strategy; fruitful,” Jocelyn, recent recipient


discover Purpose

visualize Aim

—recognize Destiny

$12 suggested


Correspondence Course

Finish Your Book (and don’t talk yourself out of it)!

$30 suggested

A Way To The Goetheanum (PDF Book)

Rhyming Story with Art Photographs

$10 suggested

“Very original and beautifully descriptive through the photos,” v.sease